
Petros Gebregziabher Karlsen

Begraves fra Grønnåsen kirke fredag 24. juli kl. 10.00, deretter til Vangberg gravlund

I stedet for blomster ønsker familien at det gis støtte til barns utdanning i Etiopia — konto 0522 15 11486

Vi vet så lite når dagen rinner om neste dag mer solen skinner
Det ble den siste, og du fikk kveld — vi fikk ikke tid å ta farvel



Petros du ble husket som en god og varm person.
Vi ble kjent med hverandre i 1987
Og du var virkelig en god og hjelpsom person
— Ahmed Sarira

A sad loss. Petros my friend, I enjoyed our time working and talking together. Always happy and so proud of your family. You were a kind and funny man. So shocked and sorry to hear that you had passed. Love to your family.
— Ian Compson

Som kollega av Petros jobbet jeg svært lite med ham offshore, men vi møttes med ujevne mellomrom på seminarer, på heliporten, og på Facebook. Han var alltid positiv og blid, og innleggene hans på nettet var alltid full av glede. «Life is good», pleide han alltid si.
Det er ufattelig vondt å miste en sønn, bror, kjæreste, ektefelle, far, og venn. Fred være med ham.
— Per Martin Wengshoel

My dear beloved brother I just can’t leave we miss you suddenly so shocking, may God give comfort to all family stay strong till we meet him in heaven.
— Workenesh Sebhat

I felt bad and sad hearing the passing of Petros
— Adane Asres

You are a good and loving friend, PETROS. We will really miss your jokes, calls and textingS, showing us of your cooking and baking skills. You are a loving son as well and brother. I know how you take care of your parents and sister when we were together in Mekele living in the same compound for 6 years. You are also a loving father to your children and loving husband to your wife, Anna. You were always proud about your children’ accomplishments. Your family will really missed you a lot but our separation is just temporary. You are asleep in Jesus. We will be reunited in the resurrection morning. Here is the Lord’s assurance in John 14: 1-3 and in Revelation 21: 3-4. Our love and prayers are with your bereaved family you left behind that God will continuously Strengthen and comfort them at ‘‘tis difficult times.

It feels like a stab in the chest! My dearest uncle is gone! What a tragedy! God, help us stand it!
— Achamyeleh

I still cannot believe this is happening 😭 my dear beloved brother is going without a warning or saying goodbye 😭 you promised to come and visit us next time you came to the US, you couldn’t make it to that next time 😭 You should let us come and visit with you when you came to Oklahoma for work related thing, I feel sad we miss that opportunity to get together and have laughter. Love your humor and taking life one day at a time and encourage everyone to do that! I can’t imagine not seeing your fun comments and replies on our family page 😭😭😭
May God comfort everybody who are connected to him in any way: mother, wife, daughter, niece, sons, brother, nephews, cuisines and other extended family, friends, and coworkers 🙏🙏
See you later, Petrosiyee 👋 RIP 😭🙏

I met Petros in Sweden 2019 Ethiopian camp meeting, he is such a lovely brother who was so joyful and friendly. I remember his testimony about what God has done for him, it was very comforting!
I am deeply touched to see him go but I know we shall see him in that great getting up morning. He fall asleep in Jesus and he will rise again when the trumpet sound, I pray that the Holy Spirit give comfort to all the family.
I still cannot believe this is happening my dear beloved brother is going without a warning or saying goodbye you promised to come and visit us next time you come to the US, you couldn’t make it to that next time You should let us come and visit with you when you came to Oklahoma for work related thing, I feel sad we miss that opportunity to get together and have laughter. Love your humor and taking life one day at a time and encourage everyone to do that! I can’t imagine not seeing your fun comments and replies on our family page
May God comfort everybody who are connected to him in anyway: mother, wife, daughter, niece, sons, brother, nephews, cuisines and other extended family, friends, and coworkers
See you later, Petrosiyee RIP
— Meklit

I have known Petros for a few years but my wife knows him and his family since her childhood. Most part of what I know about Petros is through the stories my wife has told me. He comes from a loving and caring family. I have always heard good things about him. It was a great joy to get to know him personally during the Ethiopian Adventist conference held in Sweden in august 2019. In fact he was one of the very first who registered to attend the conference. He was such an inspiration at the conference, and he told us several times that he was blessed by the messages and fellowship. I cannot fully imagine how such a sudden death affects the immediate family and relatives. May the good lord who brought Petros into existence in the first place give you the strength and comfort to endure this pain and loss. God is still in control and has you and the whole world in his hands. May god fill you with his everlasting peace. May the inspiration of Petros and all the good qualities he had, continue to live through his children. May his sudden death help us to reflect upon the meaning of life and may we live to make a difference.
Amen ❤️
— Daniel Hailemariam and Melishew Getaneh

Dear Petros Family
It is really unexpected tragedy to hear the death of our dear brother Petros. We are very sad, and at this time even if we are far away from you our ❤️ is with you at this sad time. Let God be with you and comfort you.
Sincerely Yours,
— Taddele Dessie and Family

You were always kind, loving, and adventurous. Always wanted to tell stories and create memories. I wish I had more time with you!! You will be missed greatly. እንጊዲ ቻው ከእህት ና ካባትጋ ሆነህ watch over us! ❤️❤️
— Meklit Zewde Gebregziabher
አጎቴ Petros

በወንድማችን በጴጥሮስ ሞት በጣም አዝንናል፣ ልባችን ተሰብሯል፡፡ እጅግ አስደንጋጭ ነው፡፡ በተለይ ጴጥሮስ ለሁላችን ቅርብ፣ጠያቂ፣ሆደባሻ፣ ሩህሩህ ወንድማችን በድንገት ማጣት በጣም ያሳዝናል፡፡ ምንም እንኳን ሁላችንም ወደዚያው ብንሆንም ድንገት ሲሆን በጣም ያሳዝናል፣ ያሰደነግጣል፣ለማመንም ያሰቸግራል፡፡ እግዚአብሄር መጽናኛቱን ለሁላችንም ይስጠን፡፡ በተለይም ለእትሸት (የሻረግ አጋዤ)፣ ለባለቤቱ Ann, ለልጆቹ Markus and Elisabeth, ለዘውዴ እና ቤተሰቡ እግዚአብሄር መጽናኛቱን እንዲሰጥ ጸሎታችን ነው፡፡ ምንም እንኳን በአካል መገኘት ባንችልም አሁን እየተላለፈ ያለውን በመከታተል እንገኛለን ፡፡ እግዚአብሄር መጽናኛቱን ይስጠን፡፡
ወ/ሮ ንግስቴ ቸኮለ፣አብረሀም ፣መለሰ፣ታመነ ዮሃንስ

Dear Petroso Family
We are deeply sorry for the great loss!!
But we are hope that we will see him in a better world where there is no separation.
May the Holysprit comfort you all!!
— Tesfaw Sisay and Yezichalem Kass

May God be with the whole family at this sad time. We’re all hurting right now and trying to console each other because, Petros was exceptionally especial to this family. Today our family lost it’s loving, caring, energetic, thoughtful, full of life … member. Now that he passed away, we are discovering new legacies every day about him. I thought he was special only to my parents family. But, I am pleasantly surprised to learn that he was equally especial to all the Gudaye’s and more. I now know that his kind and giving heart was not limited to just family, but to anyone in need as well.
I would like to thank his beautiful wife Anne and his beloved children for making an effort to continue his charity work and invited the family to be part of it.
May God heal everyone’s heart.

My dear beloved brother . I can’t believe I am not going to see you , get ur text or call again . I cherish the time we had , you are such a special person full of love and kindness to everyone . Going to miss you so much and it hurt . But I know I will see you in heaven so this is not goodbye , it is see you later my dear brother . Love you and going to miss you so much.
— Lidya Fekadu

Kjære Petros.
Hver gang du kom til Bergen, pleide du å ringe til meg og spørre om jeg hadde tid til å ta imot besøk. Du pleide å ringe til meg fra mange forskjellige steder og jeg glemmer ikke det du fortalte i hver samtale. Jeg vil takke deg for alle samtalene der du brukte å fortelle om morsomme ting fra Debre Tabor. Takk for et godt vennskap. Du er dypt savnet. Det blir ikke lenge før vi møtes i himmelen.
— Ayal Asmamaw

Petros was a loving cousin, good friend, humble and charitable… We don’t know why you were taken away from us suddenly. We love you and will miss you so much. We will be missing your good sense of humor too. Our hope is to see you in the resurrection morning…
— Abebe and Mila

Dear my humble brother Petrosye, you left to soon. You were a kind, loving, caring, and nice person. I wish we could have spent more time together. I will never forget the positive impact you put on our family. You will forever be in our hearts. Until we meet again.
— Aynalem Walelign Tadesse Family 😔😢

Petros var en god venn som som jeg regner som en av mine nærmeste. Da han inviterte meg med for å vise meg Etiopia, sa jeg ja med en gang. Vi besøkte barnehjem og delte ut sportsutstyr han hadde samlet i i Norge. Vi ga det beste barnehjemmet også økonomisk støtte. Det var en fin tur og ga meg mye å tenke på. Det var så mye Petros hadde lyst å hjelpe med. Samfunnet har mistet en ildsjel som vil bli savnet. Hvil i fred Petros. Kanskje vi sees igjen.
— Stein Inge Gjertsen

Det är svårt fortfarande att tro på att du inte fins längre 😭
jag saknar din överraskande telefonsamtal. Du var en bra människa som bryr sig om andra.
Petros Petros Petros 😭 sova i fred 🙏🏼
— Eden Getaneh

Jeg har kjent Petros fra han ble født. Men det er først etter at jeg traff ham i Norge at jeg ble skikkelig kjent med ham.
Jeg har opplevd ham som en blid og humørfylt person. Det var en hyggelig overraskelse å se ham på det etiopiske stevnet i Sverige i fjor sommer.
Der underholdt han oss med mange morsomme historier fra tiden i Debre Tabor.
Det var godt å se ham, snakke med ham og høre om prosjektene han har satt i gang for å hjelpe slike som ikke har det så lett i livet.
— Veslemøy Hogganvik

Kjære, Petros!
Mens det fortstatt er sommer,
og blomstene blomstrer,
døde du mens du var i «livets sommer».
Jeg kommer til å savne latteren din; du lo slik at øynene dine ble til streker og tårene trillet!
Jeg kommer til å savne telefonsamtaler fra nord!
— Tekle Fedai

Takk for gode minner i møte med deg, Petros. Du hadde alltid god tid til en god samtale og vil bli savnet.
— Knut Mindeberg

Tente lys

  • Line Hofsøy

  • Steffen Wærdal

  • Elisabeth Lundblad

  • Jonathan, Diana and Zoe

  • Victoria Strömberg

  • Philip Ottosson

  • Aage Lilleberg

  • Grete Lilleberg


  • Nina Hurlen

  • Jan Arild

  • Margrethe Larsen

  • Tekle Fedai

  • Knut Mindeberg

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